Take control of your downtime

Are your change overs, unplanned downtimes for maintenance, and startups after shutdowns killing your production? We can help by working with your team to convey Six Sigma principles, and come up with solutions tailored to your site to increase Run Time Efficiency, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, and ultimately Profit.

6S (Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize, Sustain, Safety)

We use 6S as a baseline, and expand upon it by giving practical demonstrations from your site. We focus on making the system common sense, instead of memorizing steps, so that Continuous Improvement is easy.

Center Lining

We take 6S principles to the very machines you are using for production. This is a multistep process that is data driven, and can often be done with little to no interruption to production. Each step of the way there will be data to support changes, remove unnecessary steps, and increase repeatability to boost your Overall Equipment Effectiveness.

What We Offer

We can offer consultations virtually or in person. Virtual consultations will give you a good start on the process and is more cost effective. In person consultations often yield the best results, and are more inclusive of your whole team to achieve the desired results.

Generally we focus on one production line at a time, unless there are multiple lines that are interchangeable, to achieve the best results possible.

Contact us today, and lets figure out what path is right for you and your plant today!

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